Saturday, January 25, 2020
Study on the use of reflection in nursing
Study on the use of reflection in nursing In recent years, reflection has undoubtedly become an important concept in nursing, stimulating debate and influencing nursing practice and education around the world. Much has been written about the theory of reflection, the majority of which has been applied to the educational setting (Price 2004). However, the process of reflecting has been described as a transferable skill which may be incorporated into clinical practice, enabling practitioners to better understand themselves and others, and solve problems (Mantzoukas Jasper 2004). Indeed, the capability to reflect consciously upon ones professional practice is generally considered important for the development of education and, hence, for clinical expertise (Mamede Schmidt 2004). Reid (1993) defines reflection as a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice (Reid 1993, p. 305). The nursing profession seems to advocate the need for nurses to be educated and practice in ways that develop their critical thinking, autonomy and sensitivity to others (Reed Ground 1997). Bulman (2004) contends that reflective practice may provide a means of achieving this. Within an intensive care setting, some evidence exists to suggest a strong relationship between lived experience and learning, with most critical care practitioners learning from previous experience (Hendricks et al 1996). More recently, reflection has been closely associated with the concepts of critical thinking and deconstruction. It is argued that a combination of these principles create a retrospective and prospective dimension, giving the practitioner the ability to deconstruct events, to reason the origins of situations, and to consider what has gone before and what may happen yet (Rolfe 2005). In order to be effective in practice there is a requirement to be purposeful and goal directed. It is suggested therefore that reflection cannot just be concerned with understanding, but must also focus on locating practice within its social structures, and on changing practice (Bolton 2001). This suggests that a structured approach to reflection is of benefit to the practitioner. Indeed the use of a model or framework of reflection is advocated as a tool which can aid and facilitate the practitioner in reflection, promoting a process of continuous development (Bulman 2004). Reflection is seen as a dynamic process and not a static one (Duke 2004), and thus the use of a framework which adopts a cyclic approach to reflective practice seems appropriate. One such framework is Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle, which is adapted form a framework of experiential learning, and uses a series of questions to guide, and provide structure for the practitioner when reflecting on an experience. Gibbs (1988) highlights 6 important areas of consideration when reflecting on a specific situation, encouraging the practitioner to consider what happened, why it happened and what could be done differently in the future. The 6 components of the Reflective Cycle are outlined below: Description What happened? Feelings What were you thinking and feeling? Evaluation What was good and bad about the situation? Analysis What sense can you make of the situation? Conclusion What else could you have done? Action Plan If the situation arose again, what would you do? It is clear that the idea of reflective practice has come to have a considerable impact on the nursing profession. This paper will focus on 2 clinical scenarios occurring within an intensive care setting. The issues raised will be discussed within the context of Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. The aim in doing so is to highlight the benefits of a structured reflective process, and to identify ways in which clinical practice may be improved in the future. Scenario 1 Description The first scenario concerns the care of an elderly, critically ill patient, who was being treated in a surgical intensive care unit. At the time of this scenario the patient had been in intensive care for almost 3 weeks, having been admitted with respiratory failure requiring intubation, and displaying clinical symptoms consistent with sepsis. The patient had many other underlying medical problems, was morbidly obese, and despite antibiotic therapy was requiring high levels of inotropic and ventilatory support. Despite the patients symptoms, no definite source of sepsis had been identified. The above patient was being cared for by the author on a 12 hour day shift and at the morning ward round it was noted that the patients condition had deteriorated significantly over the previous 2 days, with increased inotrope dependence and worsening renal function. With few treatment options left to try, the consultant anaesthetist decided that the patient should have a CT scan to identify or rule out an abdominal problem as a source of the sepsis. The patient was reviewed by a consultant surgeon who felt that in view of the patients co-morbidity, surgery of any kind would not be appropriate, despite potential positive findings on CT. Knowing that a CT scan had been carried out 1 week previously with no significant findings, the author raised concerns about the benefit of such a procedure, and suggested that at the very least the patients family should be informed or consulted about the planned investigation. The patients son had been spoken to the previous day and informed that the prognosis was very poor. Withdrawal of treatment had been mentioned as a possibility in the event of no improvement in the patients condition. The son however was not informed about the scan which went ahead the same day. Transferring the patient to the radiology department for scan proved difficult. The patient was sedated for transfer resulting in a need for increased inotropes due to further hypotension caused by the sedation. The patients large size also created a problem in finding an appropriate transfer trolley to take the patients weight. Again the author voiced concerns, stating that perhaps transfer was inadvisable in view of the patients unstable cardiovascular status. The anaesthetist decided that we should proceed with the scan. The patient remained unstable throughout the transfer, requiring a further increase in inotropes on arrival at scan. Whilst on the CT table, the patient became dangerously hypotensive and bradycardic, and it seemed that cardiac arrest was imminent. Adrenaline boluses were administered, and large fluid boluses of gelofusine were also given. In view of this, the CT scan was abandoned midway, and the patient was quickly transferred back to ICU. Further adrenaline boluses were needed during transfer. On arrival back to ICU, the author was met by the patients son, who was not aware that the patient was being scanned. He was made aware of the patients poor condition. Back in ICU it was decided that further resuscitation was not appropriate. The son was present when the patient died a few minutes later. Feelings On the day these events took place, the predominant thoughts and feelings of the author were ones of guilt and inadequacy. Having considered the multiple health problems faced by the patient at this time, the author felt that the process of transferring the patient to CT scan and carrying out the scan itself may cause the patient stress, discomfort and potential danger, and ultimately be of little or no benefit. During the transfer and scanning process, the author became increasingly anxious about the immediate safety of the patient, and the potential for deterioration in the patients condition. When the patient became dangerously bradycardic and hypotensive, the authors thoughts were concentrated on trying to prevent cardiac arrest. On returning to ICU and meeting the patients son, it seemed that neither the dignity of the patient or the concerns of the family had been respected. The author felt an inadequacy and felt that the interests of the patient had not been properly advocated. The patient passed away in a distressing and undignified manner, and the son did not have the opportunity to spend personal time with the patient prior to this happening. The author felt guilty, as it seemed that the CT scan should not have happened and that the undignified circumstances surrounding the patients death need not have occurred. Evaluation Looking back on the events of scenario 1, it seems that there were both positive and negative aspects to the experience. During transfer to CT scan and the emergency situation which followed, the author felt that there was good teamwork between the different professionals involved in the care of the patient. Because of this, prompt action was taken, preventing cardiac arrest. However, it seems that this situation may have been avoided, which in turn raises many questions relating to the care of the patient. Ethically, one must question how appropriate it was to scan a severely septic, unstable patient, especially when corrective treatments would have been inappropriate in the event of an abnormality being discovered. Should the author have advocated the interests of the patient and family more forcefully? Was there a lack of communication and consensus between the critical care team? The events of this incident culminated in a clinical emergency situation which led to the patients death. Thus, the author feels that the patients clinical condition and the ethical issues and dilemmas surrounding the patients care must be examined and discussed, in the hope that lessons can be learned through the reflective process. Analysis Sepsis Most illness and death in patients in intensive care is caused by the consequences of sepsis and systemic inflammation. Indeed, sepsis affects 18 million people worldwide each year (Slade et al 2003), with severe sepsis remaining the highest cause of death in patients admitted to non-coronary intensive care units (Edbrooke et al 1999). Sepsis is a complex condition that results from an infectious process, and is the bodys response to infection. It involves systemic inflammatory and cellular events that result in altered circulation and coagulation, endothelial dysfunction, and impaired tissue perfusion (Kleinpell 2004). Dellinger et al (2004) define sepsis as the systemic response to infection manifested by 2 or more of the following: High or low temperature (>38à °C or Heart rate > 90 beats per minute Respiratory rate > 20 breaths per minute or PaCO2 High or low white blood cell count (> 12,000 or In severe sepsis impaired tissue perfusion along with micro vascular coagulation can lead to multiple organ system dysfunction, which is a major cause of sepsis-related mortality (Robson Newell 2005). While all organs are prone to failure in sepsis, pulmonary, cardiovascular, and renal dysfunction occur most commonly (Hotchkiss Karl 2003). When multiple organ system dysfunction occurs, Dolan (2003) promotes evidence-based sepsis treatment whereby patients should receive targeted organ support. This includes mechanical ventilation, renal replacement therapy, fluids, vasopressor or inotropic administration, and blood product administration, to maximize perfusion and oxygenation. In recent years new therapies have emerged which have been shown, in some cases, to increase the chance of survival from severe sepsis. Recombinant human activated protein C has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic and pro-fibrinolytic properties (Dolan 2003). In a randomised controlled trial, Bernard et al (2001) found a significant reduction in the mortality of septic patients who had been treated with activated protein C. The National Institute for clinical excellence (2004) now recommends this treatment for adult patients who have severe sepsis resulting in multiple organ failure, and who are being provided with optimal ICU support. Steroids, the use of which in ICU has long been debated, have also been shown, in low doses, to reduce the risk of death in some patients in septic shock (Annane 2000). Despite the development of specific treatments to interrupt or control the inflammatory and procoagulant process associated with sepsis, its management remains a major challenge in healthcare (Kleinpell 2004). The patient in scenario 1 was clearly in a state of severe sepsis, with respiratory, cardiac and renal failure, and receiving some of the supportive treatments mentioned above. Indeed it seems that the severity of this condition should not have been underestimated. In view of this, the ethical issues surrounding the decision to take this patient to CT scan must now be considered. Ethical Dilemmas and Consensus Ethical issues have emerged in recent years as a major component of health care for critically ill patients (Friedman 2001). Thus, caring for these patients in an intensive care setting necessitates that difficult ethical problems must be faced and resolved (Fisher 2004). Traditionally, much of the literature in biomedical ethics comes from theoretical perspectives that include principled ethics, caring ethics and virtue ethics (Bunch 2002). Although these perspectives provide an ethical awareness, which can be helpful, they do not of necessity give much direction for clinical practice. Melia (2001) supports this notion, suggesting that many discussions of ethical issues in health care are presented from a moral philosophical viewpoint, which as a consequence leaves out the clinical and social context in which decisions are taken and carried through. Beauchamp Childress (1994) identify 5 principles pertinent to decision making in intensive care. These are: salvageability, life preservation, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice. Ethical dilemmas occur when two or more of the above principles come into conflict. The principles of beneficence (doing good), non-maleficence (doing no harm) and justice (fair treatment) are well established within the field of bioethics. Within a critical care context however, the dilemma between salvageability and life preservation becomes an important focus for health care professionals. Indeed, Prien Van Aken (1999) raise the question of whether all medical means to preserve life have to be employed under all circumstances, or are there situations in which we should not do everything that it is possible to do. This question becomes particularly relevant when a patients condition does not improve but rather deteriorates progressively. Curtin (2005) suggests that at some point in the course of t reatment, the line between treating a curable disease and protracting an unpreventable death can be crossed. In such incidences Prien Van Aken (1999) identify a transitional zone between the attempt to treat the patient, and the prolongation of dying, in which a conflict between the principles of life preservation and non-maleficence develops. These concepts seem particularly relevant to scenario 1 where the interests of the patient may have been neglected in favour of further attempts to treat the patients condition. This, in turn created a conflict between the principles of salvageability and life preservation. The decision to perform a CT scan on a patient with such cardiovascular instability and a very poor prognosis, meant that the patient was subjected to dangers and harms when there were few, if any benefits to justify this. Hence, the conflict between the ethical principles was not resolved, and the professional duty of non-maleficence toward the patient was not respected. Such conflicts and dilemmas in intensive care can be made all the harder by the availability of advanced technologies. Callahan (2003) writes that one of the most seductive powers of medical technology is to confuse the use of technology with a respect for the sanctity of life. In addition, Fisher (2004) contends that it has become all too easy to think that if one respects the value of life, and technology has the power to extend life, then a failure to use it is a failure to respect that value. This is particularly true of diagnostic technologies (such as CT scanning) which must be used with caution, especially in cases where the diagnostic information will make little or no difference to the treatment of the patient, but can create or heighten anxiety and discomfort for the patient (Callahan 2003). Medical technology is a two-edged sword, capable of saving and improving life but also of ending and harming life (Curtin 2005). Good critical care medicine carries the responsibility o f preserving life, on the one hand, and making possible a peaceful death, on the other. Callahan (2003) concludes by warning that any automatic bias in favour of using technology will threaten that latter possibility. Consensus between members of the intensive care team is also highlighted as an important issue in ethical decision making. Effective communication and collaboration among medical and nursing staff are essential for high quality health care (Woodrow 2000). Collaboration can be seen as working together, sharing responsibility for solving problems, and making decisions to formulate and execute plans for patient care (Gedney 2000 p.41). In intensive care units where ethical problems are faced frequently, care has to be a team effort (Fisher 2004). In a qualitative study, Melia (2001) found that there was a strong desire within the intensive care team that ethical and moral consensus should be achieved in the interests of good patient care, even though it was recognised that there is no legal requirement for nurses to agree with ICU decisions. Cobaoglu Algier (2004) however, found that the same ethical dilemma was perceived differently by medics and nurses with the differences being related to the hospitals hierarchical structure and the traditional distinctions between the two professions. Similarly, it has been observed that differences between doctors and nurses in ethical dilemmas were a function of the professional role played by each, rather than differences in ethical reasoning or moral motivation (Oberle Hughes 2001). It seems therefore that while the medical and nursing professions share the same aims for patient outcomes, the ideas surrounding how these outcomes should be achieved may differ (Fisher 2004). These differences have contributed to the development of the concept of the nurse as patient advocate, which sees advocacy as a fundamental and integral role in the caring relationship, and not simply as a single component of care (Snowball 1996). The role of the nurse advocate should be that of mediator and facilitator, negotiating between the different health and illness perspectives of patient, doctor, and other health care professionals on the patients behalf (Mallik 1998). Empirical evidence is sparse and philosophical arguments seem to predominate in the field of patient advocacy. There is some evidence to suggest that nurse advocacy has had beneficial outcomes for the patient and family in critical care areas (Washington 2001). Hewitt (2002) however found that humanistic arguments that promote advocacy as a moral imperative are compelling. Benner (1984) writes of advocacy within the context of being with a patient in such a way that acknowledges your shared humanity, which is the base of nursing as a caring practice (Benner 1984, p. 28). It has been argued that advocacy, at least in a philosophical sense, is the foundation of nursing itself and as such should be regarded as an issue of great importance by all practitioners (Snowball 1996). Conclusion It can be concluded that sepsis in a critical care environment is a complex condition with a high mortality rate, requiring highly specialised treatments. As such, the ethical issues and dilemmas faced by health care staff caring for a septic patient can be both complex and far reaching. It must be noted, that there can be no general solutions for such ethical conflicts; each clinical case must be evaluated individually with all its associated circumstances. A study of ethical principles would suggest that it is important that the benefits of a specific treatment or procedure are established prior to implementation, and that these benefits outweigh any potential harms or risks to the patient. The ultimate decision maker in the scenario under discussion was the consultant anaesthetist, who should have provided a clearer rationale for performing a CT scan on such an unstable patient. As the nurse caring for the patient, the author recognises that the final decision regarding treatment rested with the anaesthetist. However, the author could have challenged the anaesthetists decision further, advocating the patients interests, with the aim of reaching a moral consensus within the team. Perhaps then the outcome would have been more favourable for all concerned. Action Plan By reflecting on this scenario, the author has gained an understanding of sepsis and the potential ethical problems which may be encountered when caring for a septic or critically ill patient. As a result, the author feels more confident to challenge those decisions made relating to treatment, which do not seem to be in the best interest of the patient, or which have the potential to cause more harm than good. The author now has a greater understanding of the professional responsibility to advocate on a patients behalf, with the aim of safeguarding against possible dangers. It is hoped that this will result in improved outcomes for patients in the authors care. Scenario 2 Description This incident occurred in a surgical intensive care unit while the author was looking after a ventilated patient who had undergone a laparotomy and right sided hemi-colectomy 2 days previously. Around 10.30am the patient was reviewed by medical staff and was found to be awake and alert with good arterial blood gases, and requiring minimal ventilatory support. In view of this, it was decided that the patients support should be reduced further, and providing this reduction was tolerated, that the patient should be extubated later in the morning. In the intensive care unit in which the author works an intensive insulin infusion protocol is used (see Appendix A). This is a research based protocol which aims to normalize blood glucose levels and thus improve clinical outcomes for critically ill patients. All patients on this protocol require either to be absorbing enteral feed at à ¢Ã¢â¬ °Ã ¥30ml/hr, on TPN or on 5% dextrose at 100ml/hr (Appendix A, note 2). The patient involved in this incident was receiving enteral feed via a naso-gastric tube, and was on an insulin infusion which was running at 4 U/hr. When it was decided that the patient was to be extubated, the author stopped the enteral feed as a precaution, to prevent possible aspiration during or after extubation. The author however did not stop the insulin infusion which breached the protocol guidelines. About 12 noon the patients blood gases showed that the reduction in support had been tolerated, and so the patient was extubated. Shortly after this the author was asked to go for lunch break and so passed on to a colleague that the patient had recently been extubated but was managing well on face mask oxygen. Returning from lunch 45 minutes later, the author found the patient to be disorientated and slightly confused. With good oxygen saturations, the author doubted that the confusion had resulted from hypoxia or worsening blood gases. The author then realised that the insulin infusion had not been stopped with the enteral feed earlier. A check of the patients blood glucose level showed that it was 1.2mmol/L. The author immediately stopped the insulin infusion, administered 20mls of 50% dextrose intravenously, as per protocol, and recommenced the enteral feed. Twenty minutes later, the patients blood glucose level had risen to 3.7mmol/L. The patient continued on the insulin protocol maintaining blood glucose levels within an adequate range. There were no lasting adverse effects resulting from the hypoglycaemic episode. Feelings When it was realised that the insulin infusion had not been stopped, the author felt a sense of panic, anticipating correctly that the patients blood glucose level would be dangerously low. Thoughts then became concentrated on raising the blood glucose level, to ensure that no further harm would come to the patient as a result of the authors mistake. Following the incident, when the patients glucose levels had risen, feelings of guilt were prominent. At this point the author realised how much worse the outcome could have been for the patient. The author felt incompetent, knowing that the patient could have been much more severely affected, or could even have died as the result of such a simple mistake. Evaluation The events of scenario 2 highlight the fact that clinical errors, while easily made, can have potentially disastrous consequences. This is especially true of those errors which involve the administration of drugs intravenously. In the interest of patient safety, it is important that all such errors are avoided. The clinical error outlined above could easily have been avoided. It seems that there was not sufficient awareness, on the authors part, of the insulin infusion protocol and the guidelines concerning the administration of insulin. As a result, the insulin protocol was not adhered to. The following analysis therefore will focus on the importance of insulin therapy in critical care areas, and will consider the safety issues surrounding intravenous drug administration. Analysis Blood Glucose Control in Intensive Care It is well documented that critically ill patients who require prolonged intensive care treatment are at high risk of multiple organ failure and death (Diringer 2005). Extensive research over the last decade has focused on strategies to prevent or reverse multiple organ failure, only a few of which have revealed positive results. One of these strategies is tight blood glucose control with insulin (Khoury et al 2004). It is well known that any type of acute illness or injury results in insulin resistance, glucose intolerance and hyperglycaemia, a constellation which has been termed the diabetes of stress (McCowen et al 2001). In critically ill patients, the severity of this condition has been shown to reflect the risk of death (Laird et al 2004). Much has been learned recently about the negative prognostic effects of hyperglycemia in critically ill patients. Hyperglycaemia adversely affects fluid balance, predisposition to infection, morbidity following acute cardiovascular events, and can increase the risk of renal failure, neuropathy and mortality in ICU patients (DiNardo et al 2004). Research suggests that there are distinct benefits of insulin therapy in improving clinical outcomes. Such benefits have been seen in patients following acute myocardial infarction, and in the healing of sternal wounds in patients who have had cardiac surgery (Malmberg 1997; Furnary et al 1999). More recently Van den Berghe et al (2001) conducted a large, randomized, controlled study involving adults admitted to a surgical intensive care unit who were receiving mechanical ventilation. The study demonstrated that normalisation of blood glucose levels using an intensive insulin infusion protocol improved clinical outcomes in critically ill patients. In particular, intensive insulin therapy was shown to reduce ICU mortality by 42%, and significantly reduce the incidences of septicaemia, acute renal failure, prolonged ventilatory support, and critical illness polyneuropathy. The length of stay in intensive care was also significantly shorter for patients on the protocol. It is unclear as to why improved glycaemic control has been associated with improved outcomes in several clinical settings. Coursin and Murray (2003) have summarized several leading hypotheses including maintenance of macrophage and neutrophil function, enhancement of erythropoiesis, and the direct anabolic effect of insulin on respiratory muscles. The potential anti-inflammatory effects of insulin have also been evaluated (Das 2001). There is also uncertainty over whether it is the actual insulin dose received per se, or the degree of normoglycaemia achieved that is responsible for the beneficial effects of intensive glycaemic management. Van den Berghe (2003) analysed the data derived from their 2001 study and have concluded that the degree of glycaemic control, rather the quantity of insulin administered was associated with the decrease in mortality and organ system dysfunction. In a follow up to Van den Berghe et als 2001 study, Langouche et al (2005) found that a significant part of the improved patient outcomes were explained by the effects of intensive insulin on vascular endothelium. The vascular endothelium controls vasomotor tone and micro-vascular flow, and regulates trafficking of nutrients and several biologically active molecules (Aird 2003). Langouche et al (2005) conclude that maintaining normoglycaemia with intensive insulin therapy during critical illness protects the vascular endothelium and thereby contributes to the prevention of organ failure and death. Whatever the reasons for improved patient outcomes, the study by Van den Burghe et al (2001) has prompted much research in this field, all of which has yielded similar results. In a similar study, Krinsley (2004) found that the use of an insulin protocol resulted in significantly improved glycaemic control and was associated with decreased mortality, organ dysfunction, and length of stay in the ICU in a heterogeneous population of critically ill adult patients. Thus it seems that with the strength of the emerging data in support of a more intensive approach to glycaemic management, insulin infusions are being utilised with increasing frequency, and are considered by many to be the standard of care for critically ill patients (DiNardo et al 2004). It is important to note that a well recognised risk of intensive glucose management is hypoglycaemia. Indeed Goldberg et al (2004) emphasise that in the ICU setting where patients often cannot report or respond to symptoms, the potential for hypoglycaemia is of particular concern. The events of scenario 2 highlight the authors error in the administration of insulin resulting in hypoglycaemia. For this reason some issues surrounding intravenous drug therapy will now be discussed. Intravenous Drug Therapy There is an increasing recognition that medication errors are causing a substantial global public health problem. Many of these errors result in harm to patients and increased costs to health providers (Wheeler Wheeler 2005). In the intensive care unit, patients commonly receive multiple drug therapies that are prescribed either for prophylactic indications or for treatment of established disease (Dougherty 2002). Practitioners caring for these patients find themselves in the challenging position of having to monitor these therapies, with the goal of maximizing a beneficial therapeutic response, as well as minimizing the occurrence of any adverse drug-related outcome (Cuddy 2000). The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2004) identifies the preparation and administration of medicines as an important aspect of professional practice, stressing that it is not merely a mechanistic task performed in strict compliance with a written prescription, but rather a task that requires thought and professional judgement. Heatlie (2003) found that the introduction of new insulin protocols and regimes could give rise to problems, espe
Friday, January 17, 2020
Argumentative Essay Against Euthanasia Essay
Introduction Euthanasia is the practice of deliberately killing a person to spare him or her from having to deal with more pain and suffering. This is always a controversial issue because of the moral and ethical components that are involved. This paper will discuss the arguments against euthanasia. Discussion Euthanasia is clearly against the Hippocratic Oath that all doctors have to fulfil. This oath basically states that doctors must never be involved in the killing of people because after all, they have been trained to ensure that people are able to recover from their diseases and injuries. Doctors are the ones whom people entrust their lives whenever there is something wrong with their health. Thus, it is the responsibility of the doctors to always do the best they can to help people live and enjoy their lives (Cavan 48). If their patients die under their supervision, the doctors can accept this for as long as they know and can prove that they really did their best and exhausted all possibilities to ensure the survival of the patients. There are just certain instances where the disease or the injury of the patients has become so serious that it is already difficult to treat and make the patients recover. In these cases, it is unfair to blame the doctors for the death of the patients. The Hippocratic Oath helps the doctors to realize how important their responsibilities are to the people in terms of their health. This oath also provides an assurance to the people that they can trust their doctors and be assured that they will do whatever is necessary to help them deal with their health problems. If euthanasia becomes legalized, then the effectiveness of the Hippocratic Oath will be negated and the doctors can have the option of immediately resorting to euthanasia especially in difficult cases instead of trying their best until the very end. Another argument against euthanasia is that it is essentially homicide because the doctors will kill the patient even if it has been approved by the patient himself or the family of the patient. Euthanasia is not that different from murder because they both involve killing a person. The only difference is that in euthanasia, there is mercy and consent involved while in murder there is none (Tulloch 82). If murder is prohibited by law because people take matters into their own hands and kill others, then euthanasia should also be banned because doctors take matters into their own hands and kill their patients even if there is consent from the patients and their families or relatives. Lastly, the continued improvements and innovations in the field of medicine and health care make euthanasia illogical to be implemented as an option. The reason why medical experts continue to work hard to come up with improved medical technologies, medicines and treatment methods is that they want to make sure that the sick people are able to recover faster and healthy people become even healthier. All of these efforts are being done to make the society become more productive due to the presence of healthy and strong people (McDougall 26). Thus, doctors will not have an excuse for not doing their best for their patients as they already have access to the best medical technologies, medicines and treatment methods that will prevent them from having to resort to euthanasia as the only option. Conclusion There is no doubt that euthanasia needs to be banned as based on the three arguments discussed above, it does not deserve a place in human society. Doctors must never give up on their patients no matter how hopeless the situation might be. They must exhaust all options to give their patients a fighting chance to survive and
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Henry The V ( Twelfth ) - 2085 Words
Henry the V (5th) is one of William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s famous plays and is patriotic and exciting play that is centred around Henry Vââ¬â¢s responsibilities as King and his personality while on his conquest in France. The play covers the many problems that occur throughout the journey and Henryââ¬â¢s Victories in the main battles. Henryââ¬â¢s life before he was Kings was mostly drinking and fighting even though he was prince these problems would highly affect his peoplesââ¬â¢ support. Henry had a couple of Drinking companions: Bardolph , Nim , Pistol and Falstaff, all who were Henryââ¬â¢s best friends. When Henry was made King he had to take up his important responsibilities as king and that would mean abandoning his friends and forgetting about his past life and start anew). Henryââ¬â¢s life changed dramatically after he was made king and become one of Englandââ¬â¢s Best Kings, Henry was mature, calm, intelligent and is highly religious which are the good qualities for a king (Quote): ââ¬Å"We are no tyrant, but a Christian kingâ⬠. Henry shows these qualities when he makes a claim to French land and send a message to the French King to inform him of his rightful claim, however The Dauphin decides to reply to Henry by Sending him a box of Tennis balls to mock his age as king, the dauphin is insulting Henry by saying heââ¬â¢s a child and is not fit to be King, Henry Is infuriated by this however he stays calm (Quote): ââ¬Å"We are glad the Dauphin is so pleasant with us; His present and your pains we thank you forâ⬠.Show MoreRelatedTheme of Social Hierarchy in William Shakespeares Henry V, Twelfth Night and Macbeth1204 Words à |à 5 PagesTheme of Social Hierarchy in William Shakespeares Henry V, Twelfth Night and Macbeth Henry V, Twelfth Night, and Macbeth cover the whole field of Shakespearean genres, but it is amazing how Shakespeare displays a theme and carries it through in any kind of play he wants to. 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The Globe was a large, open-aired, three-tiered theater made out of timber taken fro m the Theatre-ââ¬â a former theatre owned by Richard Burbageââ¬â¢s father. The Globe Theatre burned to the ground on June 29, 1613, during a performance of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s last history play Henry VIII: Or, All is True, when a specialRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare: Greatest Playwright of All1554 Words à |à 7 Pagesthat time, and they had three children. There was another gap where some scholars referred to as the lost years, then he was working in a theatre in London in 1592. Shakespeare wrote his very first play, Henry VI, Part One in 1589-90, and inà 1590-91, Shakespeare wrote Henry VI, Part Two and Henry VI, Part III. Shakespeares poetry appeared before his plays, his narrative poems Venus and Adonis as his first ever publication in 1593. Then Shakespeare wrote plays began to be noticed by the public, andRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare: Greatest Playwright of All1568 Words à |à 7 Pagesthat time, and they had three children. There was another gap where some scholars referred to as the lost years, then he was working in a theatre in London in 1592. Shakespeare wrote his very first play, Henry VI, Part One in 1589-90, and inà 1590-91, Shakespeare wrote Henry VI, Part Two and Henry VI, Part III. Shakespeares poetry appeared before his plays, his narrative poems Venus and Adonis as his first ever publication in 1593. Then Shakespeare wrote plays began to be noticed by the public, andRead MoreEssay Medieval Europe - Papal Reformation1631 Words à |à 7 Pagespapacy resulting in the separation and establishing of the Church as a power on its own. After numerous corrupt popes, Leo IX is considered to be the pope that started the papacy reformation. Ironically, he was appointed pope by his cousin Emperor Henry III. After being coroneted, Leo spent less than six months in Rome traveling through Italy, Germany, France, and as far as Hungary ( Blum, 485). According to Backman, ââ¬Å"Leo recognized two things from the very start: first, the papacy could not be properlyRead MoreLiterary Devices In Shakespearan Sonnet958 Words à |à 4 Pagesand a couplet to make this poem my very favorite and my first pick to write in this essay. The poem spoke to me when I read it how it uses the plays: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night Dream, Richard III, Richard II, Henry IV, Othello, Henry V, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, King Lear, Julius Caesar, and Anthony and Cleopatra. The use of the sonnetââ¬â¢s 14 lines abab, cdcd, efef, gg was well used and well put together for this poem. It used a couplet for two lines in the poem. It usedRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Influence On The Course Of World History1440 Words à |à 6 Pagesthirty-eight were published. The plays he has written consist of: Henry VI Part I, Henry VI Part II, Henry VI Part III, Richard III, The Comedy of Errors, Titus Andronicus, The Taming of the Shrew, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Loveââ¬â¢s Labourââ¬â¢s Lost, Romeo and Juliet, Richard II, A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream, King John, The Merchant of Venice, Henry IV Part I, Henry IV Part II, Much Ado About Nothing Henry V, Julius Caesar, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, Hamlet, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Troilus and CressidaRead MoreFrom Where did William Shakespeares Greatness Come?755 Words à |à 3 Pageschange around the time of 1596. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s son, Hamnet, died at the age of eleven in 1596. His dad died in 1601 and Queen Elizabeth I in 1603. He was writing fewer plays by 1608. In 1613 the Globe Theater was burned down during a performance of Henry VIII. William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, his fifty-second birthday. The reason of death is not known. In his will he left money for the ââ¬Ëpoor of Stratford.ââ¬â¢ He left the bulk of his estate to Susanna, 300 pounds to Judith, and his second best
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Why Trade Is Good Or Bad - 982 Words
Why do you think trade is good or bad? Trade can be advantageous as well as disadvantageous. Trade can be good because: it can help countries specialize; countries can consume more than their production capacity; importing countries can enjoy better products as well as lower prices compared to pre-trade and countries can fully take advantage of their abundant factor by fully utilizing it. If not an absolute advantage, then most countries at least have a comparative advantage in a good. When trade comes in the picture, countries can manipulate their comparative advantage into specializing in that good. The Ricardian and the Specific Factors models, both state that when a country has a lower opportunity cost in a good then it has a comparative advantage in that good, it should specialize in it and export it. Countries can consume more than their production capacity if they trade with other countries. In an autarky a country can only consume as much as it produces. But according to the specific factors model, when countries shift from autarky to trade, they produce less of their comparative disadvantage good and yet their consumption of that good increases as theyââ¬â¢re importing it from a country which has a comparative advantage in it. As each country specializes in its comparative advantage product, this means that they can produce it at a lower cost than those countries importing this product from them. Pre-trade the home country was producing its comparative disadvantageShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Megumi Naois And Ikuo Kumes Article Workers Or Consumers 1391 Words à |à 6 PagesIn Megumi Naoiââ¬â¢s and Ikuo Kumeââ¬â¢s article ââ¬Å"Workers or Consumers? A Survey Experiment on the Duality of Citizensââ¬â¢ Interests in the Politics of Trade,â⬠the two authors successfully display how consumer and protectionist interests can clash within one person and even present themselves in a personââ¬â¢s party alignment when it comes to politics, though there is an unequal emphasis and far more length than is likely needed to get their point across well and with enough proof to be considered credible. TheRead MoreBenefits Of Globalization On Jobs891 Words à |à 4 Pagesthink that trade causes loss of jobs and believe that we should be more self reliant on our own production of goods. But, what they may not understand is trade comes with added benefits. To date the United States is the largest trading nation in the world. ââ¬Å"Most imports have a lower cost and higher quality, and that improves our standard of livingâ⬠(Marotta, 2003). It is the competitive pressures associated with trade that cause this notion. It also allows for more choices in goods, which encouragesRead MoreBook Review and Questions: The Walgreens T-Shirt1330 Words à |à 5 PagesPreface: Why did the author decide to write this book? She decided to write the book about the Walgreens T-shirt after speaking to anti-globalization activist. She decided to pick a product and track down its full life cycle to see exactly what insights it could provide. What did she expect to find when she began her journey what do most economists believe about globalization? She believed that free trade was more about economics and markets. However, she discovered there were many otherRead MoreEssay On Globalisation1207 Words à |à 5 PagesWhat is Globalisation? Globalisation is the process in which all the other nations of the planet come together to expand out exchanges and social trade. This results in a trade of different perspectives, knowledge, items and culture. Many goods and services have increased, because of worldwide trading, throughout the past years. How has globalisation changed over the past 30 years? Globalisation has changed over the past 30 years due to changes made between technology, such as transportationRead MoreText Synthesis Chapter 1 The Nature of Business Why do we study Business? Many people study1600 Words à |à 7 PagesChapter 1 The Nature of Business Why do we study Business? Many people study business because it offers so many career opportunities in general and plus everything that we deal in today society has to do with business. Think about the clothes, shoes, etc. you wearing today and then think of what business made it very possible for us to be wearing those merchandise and top of that it satisfied the sellers thatââ¬â¢s buying the product this is called tangible and intangible good that provide satisfaction andRead MoreThe Pros And Risks Of FOREX Trading1029 Words à |à 5 PagesCurrency is one of the riskiest forms trading on the internet. In this trade, there is a higher probability for losing than winning. According to statistics, 95% of FOREX traders lose and only 5% of them win in the trade. Some of the risks involved in currency trading include; â⬠¢ Leverage Risks â⬠¢ Interest Rate Risks â⬠¢ Counterparty Risks â⬠¢ Country risks Without a comprehensive risk mitigation strategy, any risk can result in the loss of your entire investment. But despite this, many people stillRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Ancient Egypt And Mesopotamia1125 Words à |à 5 PagesEgypt were both advanced civilizations they had many differences such as their government, religion, as well as their trade and society. Mesopotamian culture thought negatively about its gods, and had conflict, cultural diffusion, and a decentralized government while Ancient Egypt thought highly of its gods, had a centralized and united government and civilization, and did not trade with other nations. These distinctions were due in part to Mesopotamiaââ¬â¢s unpredictable flooding, lack of borders, andRead MoreTanking: Losing Games to Improve Draft Positions Essay1491 Words à |à 6 Pagessuperstar, or make a blockbuster trade to bring in talent. However on the down side in recent years fans have also had to deal with lost cause seasons in order to make these trades, or draft these players. In todayââ¬â¢s world teams are all about building their team for the future, even if that means losing a few games. While teams focus on the future they donââ¬â¢t take into account how fans feel, or current players. Winning always feels good, as losing always feels bad. Tanking is the name of the ââ¬Å"strategyâ⬠Read MoreThe Economys Growing and the Standard of Living in the United States1491 Words à |à 6 Pagesinternational trade has been developped. It allowed to increase our standard of living. Therefore we need to understand why countries have opened their boarder and what the impact is. To do that we need to understantd what the trade bring to us in defining the comparative advantage. After that one important point is to understand which effect the technological change has on trade. Then the main point that itââ¬â¢s whether trade is benefical for everyone or leads to dangerous competitveness and why this behaviourRead MoreIs Outsourcing Bad Or Good? The Us Economy?898 Words à |à 4 PagesA) Why is outsourcing so bad or good to the US economy? In general, the outsourcing is hiring the foreign workers/company to do a particular task, as opposed to hiring domestic workers/company. Besides the outsourcing, the international purchase is an essential activity of companies. In the trend of a booming global economy, a company only focuses on its core value and hire suppliers to supply the necessary product and service. The relationship between companies are complicated and interdependent
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